Monday, March 19, 2007

In The Trenches

I love this picture. It is the picture of how I feel right now.
Sometimes I wish I could just control people and force them to make good decisions. I look at the students sometimes and just want to shake them and tell them, "Don't you realize that that is going to hurt you! That is a bad idea." But they continue on with it.
How God must suffer with us. What was He THINKING when He gave us a free will? I can't even grasp how much He loves us, yet watches us do things that He told us not to all the time. Why can't I grasp that His "rules" (as they are often viewed) are not to bind us, it is because doing it any other way will HURT us.
Some of the students made some decision last night that could really have lifelong effects. Leadership has the responsibility to decide how to handle it.
I feel sad. Disappointed. Frustrated...

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