Friday, April 13, 2007


Finally. There is resolution in the school. After 137 trillion meetings with staff, students, leaders, Jesus, pizza delivery guy (heck, YOU were probably in some of the meetings), we have come to a decision on the students on the outreach teams.

Three students were asked to leave, and six are going on probation (meaning that we will let them go on outreach conditional upon their behavior). It is sad because I really love two of the students leaving, but we made the right decision. It was too big of a risk taking them.

Since people are leaving, we had to restructure the teams. Only one of my original students is going with us :( But they chose really well. They are really well balanced teams and I am excited for it.

We have two of the professional students (adults) Claudia and Paula, then Ingrid and Juan Daniel. I will try to post a team pic soon!

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